Will this zine be digital or physical?
Both physical and digital copies of our zine will be available for purchase.
Is the zine for charity or for profit? Will contributors receive compensation?
This zine is for profit. All contributors will receive a free digital copy of the zine no matter what. If we make enough to afford it, each contributor will receive a free full bundle.
Are ships allowed?
We invite you to explore Kaito’s relationship with every member of the cast, positive or negative. However, this zine will be exploring Kaito’s platonic relationships only; meaning that romantic content is not allowed to be explicitly depicted in any way, shape, or form.
Is the zine SFW?
This zine will be SFW, meaning that there will be no depictions of sexual or suggestive content whatsoever. However, due to the themes and nature of Danganronpa, there will likely be depictions of violence, gore, and terminal illnesses on par with the canon. Additionally, cursing and sex jokes will be permitted so long as they do not exceed what is already in the game.
Will this zine have guest creators?
It sure will! We ended up inviting two writers, five page artists, and two merch artists as guests! You can check them out on our contributors tab.
How many contributors will be accepted?
We accepted a total of six writers, twenty five page artists, and four merch artists.
Can I apply for multiple roles?
Absolutely! You can fill out all three applications if you want to. Just bear in mind that you will only be accepted for one role so as to make room for as many different creators as possible!
Will this zine contain DRV3 spoilers?
Simply put, yes! We highly recommend that you finish V3 before applying for or looking into purchasing our zine.
Will depictions of Trans Kaito be allowed in this zine?
Yes, yes, yes! We will enthusiastically support contributors who decide to create pieces where Kaito is trans, whether or not they are pieces exploring his transness specifically or it's simply a background element.
I asked a question on the interest check/application and it mysteriously showed up on your Tellonym. Why is that?
For questions that you asked on your form or via our interest check, we will often send them to ourselves on Tellonym and answer them there.
My question isn't answered here.
Please feel free to ask any additional questions via our Tellonym!


April 12
April 12-May 12
May 19-June 19
July 3
July 13
July 31
August 31
September 30
October 31
November 28
February 1
February - September
October 30
December 15
February 15


Hey howdy! You can call me Tox, I'll be a co-head mod of this zine, as well as the social media and beta mod! I've been writing for the Danganronpa fandom since 2019. Even though I've written for zines like Venture Forth: A Rantaro Amami Zine, Dramaturgy!, and My Fiction, Our Reality, this will be my first time modding! I'm both open to feedback and extremely excited to learn and make this project the best that it can be! I love Kaito, I relate to him so much more than I do to any other character and I really want to see him get the appreciation that he deserves as he's such a fun and silly guy with the perfect amount of angst. I look forward to meeting and working with everybody!

Hiya! I'm Craig & I'm one of the co-head mods, as well as the finance/shipping mod, of this zine. I've modded on multiple zines before in varying positions, such as head, writing, finance, and shipping mod. Kaito is my absolute favorite character from any piece of media—from his winning smile and supportive nature right down to his flaws, I'm ecstatic to get a chance to spread the love I have for him!

Hi! I'm Viana, and I'll be the art mod and one of the graphics mods :) This is my first time modding a zine, but I've participated in multiple ones as an artist, like the Ultimate Vacation Zine, the Destination: Despair! Zine or the Mahiru Zine. I'm really excited to participate in this new project! Kaito is my absolute favorite character in the Danganronpa series, so I jumped at the opportunity to help make this zine a reality. Being able to mod makes me so happy!

Heyo!! I'm Catríona, and I'll be helping out as a Graphics and Layout Mod! I have a ton of zine experience, having participated in over 60 with both modding and contributing roles, and I'm very excited to be able to share my knowledge to help this zine run smoothly! Kaito Momota is a LEGEND and one of my absolute favorite characters, and I'm super stoked to finally have a zine fit for the luminary himself!


  • We ask that all contributors please be age fifteen or older. If you are fourteen and will be fifteen by the time result emails are sent out, however, you may apply!

  • We will be permitting cross-game interactions taking place in the Ultimate Talent Development Plan, Danganronpa S, and other alternate universes!

  • Additionally, our zine will be exploring Kaito throughout all kinds of AUs. We only ask that you keep your alternate universes appropriate (for example, AUs and premises that are sexual in nature will be prohibited) and that you choose something that can be presented at its best with the page limits and word counts we provide.

  • Violent content on par with what is already depicted in Danganronpa will almost certainly be explored within the contents of our zine, either in writing or visual art, depending on the tastes of our contributors. However, we will not be allowing depictions of Kaito being physically injured by his friends (such as Maki) as a joke.

  • We have a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism. If it is discovered that you steal artwork, writing, or other types of content, you will be banned from the zine with zero hesitation. Please present to us your own best work.

  • If you are accepted as a contributor to this zine, please do not share any part of your works anywhere until you are permitted to do so. If you would like to attach an art piece or fanfic to a portfolio, please discuss it with a mod first before doing so.

  • We ask that in joining this zine, you do so with respect to our rules, our mod team, and your fellow contributors. Let’s all do our best to make this the best project that it can be! Disagreements are bound to occur but any kind of bullying or harassment will be handled appropriately.

  • Additionally, we ask that if a mod does something you are dissatisfied with, please contact a member of the team rather than taking it to social media. We are all open to criticism and feedback, and if things can be solved within the zine, we would like them to be.

  • In applying to our zine, you accept following the schedule and guidelines of the project. Life is unpredictable, and we are more than happy to offer extensions when needed, but please make sure you will have the ability to complete everything in a timely manner before applying!